About Us
The Webb Memorial Trust was set up in 1944 as a memorial to Beatrice Webb, a self-taught economist, thought-leader and reformer. Since 1987 the Trust has funded a range of projects in the UK, helping to create a better informed debate about poverty, its causes and solutions.
The Trust has pursued the intellectual legacy of Beatrice Webb, who, together with her husband Sydney, embarked on a vigorous programme of social reform. Beatrice was one of the co-founders of the London School of Economics and Political Science, a key member of the Fabian Society and founder of the New Statesman.
Press releases
Ditch the boom goggles: tackling poverty locally
Release date: Wednesday 7 September 2016 Ditch the boom goggles: tackling poverty locally Local economies and local networks of concerted... read more
05.09.2016 • By Webb Memorial Trust